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개발 도구 및 라이브러리/라이브러리

Mean Shift

by 1005ptr 2018. 9. 13.

적재된 화물들을 POD(양하지), 화물 타입별로 그룹핑하고, 밀도? 분포에 따라 한덩어리씩 묶어서 그려주는게 목적

역시 C#에는 이런게 없어서 Python을 번역한다.




아래는 코드전체

namespace MeanShift


    public class MeanShiftResult


        public List<PointF> originalPoints;

        public List<PointF> shiftedPoints;

        public List<int> clusterIds;

        public MeanShiftResult(List<PointF> originalPoints, List<PointF> shiftedPoints, List<int> clusterIds)


            this.originalPoints = originalPoints;

            this.shiftedPoints = shiftedPoints;

            this.clusterIds = clusterIds;



    public class MeanShift


        private const double MIN_DISTANCE = 0.0001;

        private const double GROUP_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE = 0.1;

        bool isMultivariateGaussian;

        public MeanShift(bool isMultivariateGaussian = false)


            this.isMultivariateGaussian = isMultivariateGaussian;


        public MeanShiftResult Cluster(List<PointF> points, float kernelBandwidth = 3)


            float maxMinDist = 1;

            int iterationNumber = 0;

            List<PointF> shiftPoints = new List<PointF>();

            foreach(PointF p in points)


            List<bool> stillShifting = new List<bool>();

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)


            while(maxMinDist > MIN_DISTANCE){

                maxMinDist = 0;

                iterationNumber += 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < shiftPoints.Count; i++)




                    PointF pNew = shiftPoints[i];

                    PointF pNewStart = pNew;

                    pNew = ShiftPoint(pNew, points, kernelBandwidth);

                    float dist = EuclideanDist(pNew, pNewStart);

                    if (dist > maxMinDist)

                        maxMinDist = dist;

                    if(dist < MIN_DISTANCE)

                        stillShifting[i] = false;

                    shiftPoints[i] = pNew;



            List<int> groupAssignments = GroupPoints(shiftPoints);

            return new MeanShiftResult(points, shiftPoints, groupAssignments);


        private PointF ShiftPoint(PointF point,List<PointF> points, float kernelBandwidth)


            float shiftX = 0;

            float shiftY = 0;

            float scaleFactor = 0;

            foreach(PointF pTemp in points)


                float dist = EuclideanDist(point, pTemp);

                float weight = GaussianKernel(dist, kernelBandwidth);

                shiftX += pTemp.X * weight;

                shiftY += pTemp.Y * weight;

                scaleFactor += weight;


            shiftX = shiftX / scaleFactor;

            shiftY = shiftY / scaleFactor;

            return new PointF(shiftX, shiftY);



        #region Utils

        private float EuclideanDist(PointF pNew,PointF pNewStart)


            double total = 0;

            total += Math.Pow(pNew.X - pNewStart.X, 2);

            total += Math.Pow(pNew.Y - pNewStart.Y, 2);

            return Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(total));


        private float GaussianKernel(float distance, float bandwidth)


            double euclideanDistance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(distance, 2)); // 뭔가 빠졌다

            double val = (1/(bandwidth*Math.Sqrt(2*Math.PI))) * Math.Exp(-0.5*Math.Pow(((euclideanDistance/bandwidth)), 2));

            return Convert.ToSingle(val);


        //private float MultivariateGaussianKernel(List<float> distances, List<float> bandwidths)


        //    //Number of dimensions of the multivariate gaussian

        //    int dim = bandwidths.Count;

        //    //Covariance matrix

        //    double cov = np.multiply(np.power(bandwidths, 2), np.eye(dim))

        //    //Compute Multivariate gaussian (vectorized implementation)

        //    exponent = -0.5 * np.sum(np.multiply(np.dot(distances, np.linalg.inv(cov)), distances), axis=1)

        //    val = (1 / np.power((2 * math.pi), (dim/2)) * np.power(np.linalg.det(cov), 0.5)) * np.exp(exponent)

        //    return val;



        #region Point Grouper

        private List<int> GroupPoints(List<PointF> points)


            List<int> groupAssignment = new List<int>();

            List<List<PointF>> groups = new List<List<PointF>>();

            int groupIndex = 0;

            foreach(PointF point in points){

                int nearestGroupIndex = DetermineNearestGroup(point, groups);

                if(nearestGroupIndex  == -1)


                    //Create New Group

                    groups.Add(new List<PointF>(){point});


                    groupIndex += 1;








            return groupAssignment;


        private int DetermineNearestGroup(PointF point, List<List<PointF>> groups)


            int nearestGroupIndex = -1;

            int index = 0;

            foreach(List<PointF> group in groups)


                float distanceToGroup = DistanceToGroup(point, group);

                if(distanceToGroup < GROUP_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE)

                    nearestGroupIndex = index;

                index += 1;


            return nearestGroupIndex;



        private float DistanceToGroup(PointF point,List<PointF> group)


            float minDistance = float.MaxValue;

            foreach(PointF p in group){

                float dist = EuclideanDist(point, p);

                if(dist < minDistance)

                    minDistance = dist;


            return minDistance;






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